Body of Fallen Mo­roto Woman MP To Be Laid to Rest On Sun­day

Body of Fallen Mo­roto Woman MP To Be Laid to Rest On Sun­day

The body of Mo­roto Woman MP, An­nie Lo­giel is set to be laid to rest on Sunday 27th February, 2017.

Lo­giel passed away last week in a Den­mark hos­pi­tal af­ter a surgery to re­move a tu­mor in her brain.

Ac­cord­ing to a pro­gramme re­leased by Par­lia­ment on Feb­ru­ary 21, 2017, the cas­ket con­tain­ing the late Lo­giel’s re­mains will ar­rive at En­tebbe In­ter­na­tional Air­port on Thurs­day at 4.15 pm.

It will then be taken to a fu­neral home for em­balm­ing and later an overnight vigil in En­tebbe will follow.

On Fri­day Feb­ru­ary 23, 2017, there will be a re­quiem mass at Christ the King Church, af­ter which the body will be taken to Par­lia­ment, where it will lie in state for pub­lic view­ing.

In the af­ter­noon, the body will be moved in­side the cham­bers where MPs will pay spe­cial trib­ute to the late Lo­giel.

The cortege will leave Par­lia­ment for Mo­roto dis­trict where she will be buried on Sun­day.

The Deputy Speaker of Par­lia­ment, Ja­cob Oulanyah, dur­ing the ple­nary sit­ting of on Tuesday asked MPs to show up on Fri­day and pay their last re­spects to the fallen col­league.

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