Porn Star Panadol Wa’basajja Goes International

If there is anything that sells Ugandan women to the outside world, it is definitely their nudity but not talent and the latest beneficiary is Jemimah Kansiime famously known as Panadol Wa’basajja.


On Tuesday night, the explicit struggling singer was featured on the UK based Telegraph official website under the headline “Ugandan pop star facing prison over new video’

Upon publication, opposition  from the public erupted with some of them questioning the title she was given.

If anyone has listened to her songs, she sounds like those cows on heat, thank God her body replaced the voice.

Panadol Wa’basajja was arrested last year in November with producer Didi for  venturing into x-rated videos.

In her videos, she used to display her tiny naked body, at times showing her real pulled  ‘Twinnies’ and bearded meat.

With her courage and shamelessness, she has managed to scoop herself 15 minutes of international fame.

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1 thought on “Porn Star Panadol Wa’basajja Goes International

  1. Correction. Kansiime is not the one getting the international 15 minutes, the government of Uganda is. It’s getting it for threatening a young girl with what would be manslaughter-level punishment in a modern society, for the crime of acting sexually suggestive before the camera. A trade which Red Pepper’s gossip section is clearly ready to at least embrace, if not also defend.

    Make that a total of 30 minutes of fame btw, the first 15 being for pushing the bill of state sanctioned murder of people for “aggravated homosexuality”, a bill later altered after international pressure into life imprisonment, and complete with DDR-style ‘rat out your neighbor’ – mandate and all. Meanwhile previously culturally all-backwards Catholic bastion of Ireland embraced gay marriage in a crushing referendum and stepped out of the dogma-ridden dark ages for real this weekend. It’s never too late, Uganda ^^

    Apparently honesty and “courage backed by research and facts” are core values of the Pepper. I’d hate to see what Uganda’s insincere coward journalists write on the Kansiime topic.

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